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B3' Charter

We expect:

  1. To be treated equally, with respect, individuality and fairness;

  2. To be treated as a person, not a problem;

  3. To be given the opportunity to get involved in the services we use and be allowed to participate in an authentic and productive way;

  4. Staff to seek feedback from service users for improvement;

  5. To have a voice to help improve the services;

  6. To be kept informed on the changes to the services;

  7. To receive the best quality service that can be provided, and for providers to be held accountable when this is not the case;

  8. To understand the options available and be involved in the decision making process;

  9. All service users to be told about the wide range of services available to them;

  10. All service users to be told about B3 Service User Council for Brent Public Health and know how to contact it with regard to issues or complaints;

  11. Service users details to be treated as confidential and only shared on a need-to-know basis for our benefit in treatment;

  12. Service users to feel safe in the services, free from abuse, bullying and victimisation;

  13. Every service provider to comply with agreed methods of complaining and to share this process with service users so that we know how to make suggestions or complaints;

  14. Every service provider to adhere to the appropriate cleanliness and facilities for the services offered;

  15. Service users to be involved in the recruitment process for all prospective employees; and 

  16. Services should have a service user representative that is able to meet with B3 at least once a month.

This charter was designed and implemented to ensure the substance misuse treatment services deliver a high standard of care to service users

If you've got a complaint with any of the Brent partnership misuse treatment services, B3 will help you find your voice.  We will do our best to advocate on your behalf and hopefully resolve your grievance.


Funded by Brent Public Health, B3 works in partnership with local partner substance misuse agencies in the borough.  Click on the service provider logo for the more information.


Click here to view the borough's treatment pathway.  You can refer yourself into treatment by calling 0800 0234 650 (24/7).


The partnership have compiled a timetable of all their service user activities on offer throughout the borough. 

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partnership services

© 2018 B3

Registered Charity: 1154933

0300-303-4611  l   |   97 Cobbold Road Willesden London NW10 9SU

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